Thursday, January 9, 2014

Leftovers galore

Week 1, Day 5

We made it to Thursday-- so it's basically the weekend!!

Today was all about leftovers, which, I love. Technically I guess this week was all about leftovers since almost everything was made in advance. Good point, self.

I don't think I shared a picture of the egg baked in the pepper-- but here it is. No further comments....

Lunch was leftover soup, salad, and spinach bread. There was an epic fail at the microwave though... I heated up my tasty little bowl of soup, and put the lid back on it to go back upstairs to my office... I put it back in my lunch bag... and then the lid popped off and my soup spilled all over the inside of my lunch bag. UGH. For a minute I was like-- oh I can for sure re-use this lunch bag-- I'll just clean it out (it's a tiny lululemon bag). No. When you have to POUR the contents out of your lunch bag... and it comes out of there like Niagara Falls you just have to throw the bag away. Farwell lunch bag, you and I had a good run. It was very much like when you do a box jump, and miss, and scrape you leg all the way down the box and scrape off your skin, and at first you're like-- "I'm totally fine- I'll keep going" and then you take another jump and you're like "NOT FINE". 

Next week is looking like a good week. I've had so many awesome recipe/ idea suggestions from Facebook and from just talking with people. I'm going to make the plan for cooking tomorrow or Saturday-- so I'll let you know what storm I'll be cooking up on Sunday. 

nighty night- don't let the bed bugs bite! ...but if they do... bite back, they're paleo! ;-)

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