Monday, January 13, 2014

Spaghetti Squash, ER visits, and unexpected resolution-breaking

Well, friends. Let me tell you a story. 

I've been searching for spaghetti squash for about 3 weeks now. It's never at Earth Fare, and it was never at Giant Eagle when I went finally I got to Beuhler's in Wadsworth- and voila-- there they are. Bring yellow and beautiful. So I bought 3. 

I got those suckers home, and on Sunday I started prepping my food for the week. I had just come home from running (prior to hot yoga-- bam! active Sunday like whaaaat!!) and I said to myself, "Self, let's put this squash in the oven real quick so it can bake while I shower". I thought about microwaving it so it'd be easier to cook... but that would take 5 minutes! No way! So, I'm cutting the squash as I'm congratulating myself on being so damn efficient.. and sha-ZAM! My hand slipped off the knife and I poked my hand from wrist to palm with the tip of my brand new knife. uugghhh.

At first I was like... no problem. It's merely a flesh wound... a band aid will suffice!

But then I took a second look, and I swear it happened in slow motion, the cut just peeled open way deeper than I expected and blood came gushing out.... ohhhhh no....

I squeezed the skin back together and started looking for Chris... who was in the basement... so I awkwardly yelled "uhhh... heeelp?" (I mean... is this the moment to play damsel in distress?)... but he didn't answer... so I stood at the top of the stairs and yelled "HELLOOOO?!?" (irritated damsel in distress)... still no answer... 

So now I'm just pissed. Here I am, probably going to die at any moment, and Chris's selective hearing is blocking me out in my MOMENT OF NEED!

I stepped down a few steps and yelled again, "CRAW. I need to go to the hospital... LIKE NOW."

Finally I heard him say "Whuuuut?!"... much like Scooby-Doo. I heard a bunch of things hit the ground and up the stairs he flew. 

"What do we do?" he asked.

"Hospital. We go to the hospital". He grabbed some towels and a bag of ice and off we went. Unfortunately all the cars were blocked by the truck... so we had to drive a big ass truck to the ER. Oh well. 

When these things happen, the things that roll through your mind (after "ouch" and "this sucks" are... kind of random. Examples below:
  1. I realized I was wearing one of my favorite Lululemon running shirts. "They better not have to cut this thing off of me!! I'll fight it!!"
  2. OMG HOW WILL I WORKOUT?! I am going to be so weak!!
  3. What's the smell?... wait. I just went running and to hot yoga. I SMELL DISGUSTING. Now everyone will know my sweat doesn't smell like roses... OMG...
  4. Does it count as blood doping if I have to get a transfusion? hmmm....

Luckily it was a short drive.

We arrived and didn't really know where to go... the signage wasn't exactly clear.. so we kept driving back further and further into the parking lot... and really, I have to say... they really ought to re-think the number of speed bumps on the way to the ER. I'm pretty sure my cut gushed everytime we hit a bump-- there were at least 4.

We finally arrived... the truck is kinda large... and hard to park, and poor Chris just pulled into the first spot he saw--which I guess was two spots because we parked diagonally across two spots. Oh well. I'm bleeding. Deal.

We got into the ER, and it was pretty empty. I was holding my hand is a striped dish towel and Chris had my enormous Kate Spade purse in tote. Note: Everyone looks good in a designer bag, fact. Someone came out immediately when they saw us... she gave me some bandages to stop the bleeding, then told us to wait in line. 

That was awkward...

I mean...  is that normal to be profusely bleeding from your hand and then, just... wait in line? I mean, I'm literally holding my flesh together... can't I just sit down while I do registration?! I've watched my fair share of surgeries and can deal with blood pretty well, but I gotta be honest, it's different when it's YOUR blood and YOUR flesh. 



Finally! Registration. Once I gave them every piece of data I have memorized and signed over my first born I was escorted back to a room... fancy. The registration guy was pretty much hilarious, so all is forgiven for the crappy intake process. Plus you get your own TV in your room! We don't have cable... so I was tempted to watch... but I don't know,  I was distracted.

Anyway, long story short. A nice doctor lady put 4 stitches in me, and then an awesome nurse got me all bandaged up (he also happens to live down the street- crazy!). 

We stopped and got some take-out burgers (no bun!) from the local fancy-burger place (The Rail). I may or may not have also consumed potato chips with beer cheese, bacon and chives. They may or may not have been delicious. Don't judge me.

I came home... and there it was... the spaghetti squash with the knife still stuck in it. 

Looks pretty murderous?! Doesn't it!!

No blood on the squash (and we took the knife out so as not to contaminate things)... so, this cave lady says I'm still going to eat it. Someone posted a thing on Facebook that said they weren't vegetarian because they loved animals.... they were vegetarian because they hated plants.... well guess what... I hate spaghetti squash and I'm gonna eat ALL OF THEM. grrr...

Anyway- now I've got a bandage the size of Texas (and probably a scar to match), and an embarrassing story. When people ask how it happened, everyone has said "I thought you hurt it at the gym". Fair enough.

I'm not sure how long these things take to heal. It's in an awkward place because I can't avoid using it (I'm left-handed...and it's my left-hand). Plus, it's in the crease of my wrist/ thumb. It's going to be awhile before I'm doing pull-ups, jerks, or muscle-ups again. It really stinks because I was going to work on Chest-to-Bar pull-ups this week!

Oh well. It's a great opportunity to take a break from my Olympic Lifting cycle and start a short squatting cycle. I can also work on pistols (one-legged squat), abs, GHD exercises... reverse hyper... maybe running, box jumps. Who knows. I just have to keep the wound clean and dry. The stitches come out next Monday.

All in all... this really isn't that bad. I don't even remember it hurting when it happened. It was just surprising. Yes, I won't be doing much at the gym with my hands for the next 2 weeks, but-- I didn't break a bone, I didn't slice a tendon, I didn't lose a limb... I just accidentally tried to make a filet out of my hand. 

SO. Needless to say, food is not prepared for this week. Resolution broken. Oh well.. I'll get through this week and start fresh next week.

This week I will be specializing in... FOODS YOU MAKE WITH ONE HAND!! Woohoo!!

<3 Thanks for all the extra love and support this week. 


  1. Lauren, you are awesome! And, think of this as an opportunity to work on your coaching skills. With less talented athletes. Who may or may not work on the cubicle next to yours!

  2. lol!! If we can get there at the same time, you'll have my undivided attention. haha!
